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August 2023

Latest works section

Following the opening of community facilities on site, please see an update below in regard to current works taking place to help deliver these facilities.

  • Following our commitment to opening the MUGA (multi-use games area) by the beginning of August, we are pleased to confirm that the MUGA at Darwin Green was opened on 31st July.
  • Following a period of heavy rain over the last couple of weeks, we are in the process of installing some additional land drains and turf to further improve drainage in the area. The MUGA is still available for residents to use, but we have fenced off some areas while we carry out this work.
  • The Neighbourhood Equipped Area of Play (NEAP) has also been affected by the heavy rainfall and drainage and landscaping works are also taking place. We will provide a further update once the NEAP is fully open for residents to enjoy.
  • Further information on other play areas, the sports pitches, the Country Park and the Sports Pavilion at Darwin Green and updates on when these will be open will be available on this website once dates are available.

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